Jeoffrey Drobot, N.M.D.



Jeoffrey Drobot, N.M.D.

Dr. Jeoffrey Drobot, The Health Performance Specialist™ is an international, leading authority on European Biological Medicine and electroceutical performance technologies and is the founder of the American Centers of Biological Medicine in Scottsdale and New England, collectively the largest, most comprehensive Biological Medical centers in North America. He is also currently the performance specialist doctor to the Arizona Cardinals professional organization. 

Dr. Drobot has spent over two decades harnessing the cutting edge science of Biological Medical technology to assess and amplify human biology and physiology. He is passionate about guiding people near and far who envision being free from chronic illness and those dedicated to preventing a serious diagnosis from ever manifesting. 

Dr. Drobot is the author of Bioregulatory Medicine, the co-founder of Jet Renewal Kit, the creator of The Cell Circuit™ and the Biological Blueprint Project™.

Visit our Longevity Club to connect with Dr. Drobot wherever you find yourself now!